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10 Post-Election Self Care Tips for Muslim Women

It is day two of waking up to knowing that the President of the USA will soon be Donald Trump. Some of us are still processing this nightmare, others are still in denial and some are moving forward. It’s OK to be angry. It’s OK to be upset. It’s OK to be scared.


Many of us may not know how to cope with such a disappointment. Here are some self care tips for everyone during these difficult couple of days ahead, especially for Muslim women.

1. Give to charity.


Find a local charity or even find a cause dear to you on LaunchGood and give anything you can. Giving makes people feel better.


2.  Social media detox.


Reading and watching the news and commentaries about the election can be too much. In fact, research shows that they may cause depression. Temporarily deactivating one or two social media accounts will help. If you get angry every time your coworker writes about how Trump will be a great president on Facebook, it’s best to avoid it for a couple of days.

3. Exercise.


Go for a walk, take a cardio drumming class, or do some yoga. Release that anger and stress with activities good for your body.

4. Body care.

Get a massage, facial, manicure or pedicure if you think it’ll make you feel better. On a tight budget? Make this one using pumpkin so your face can smell good too.

5. Family, friends and food.


Call your family and friends to check on them. Bake your neighbors comfort food like pumpkin pie or cheesecake baklava.

6. Necessities.

Sleep well. Take a nap. Drink tea. Drink coffee. Drink lots of water. Sit up straight. Eat fruits and vegetables. These will all help in making you feel better and more energized.

7. Netflix and chill.

It’s okay to want to be alone for a day or two and binge on Netflix and ice cream.

8. Read.


Read a book or listen to your favorite Islamic lectures and listen to Quran. Our current favorite book is Muslim Girl: A Coming of Age.

9. Stay away from toxic relations.


Now’s the time to block that racist former college student of yours. Save your energy on things that matter. Instead, write poetry, paint, color, draw, sew, or try a new craft.

10. Surround yourself with love and positivity.

Give your kids an extra hug in the morning, text your parents you love them, and make lots and lots of supplication (Du’a).


May God give us the strength to get through this and may we come out stronger and more faithful than ever. Suhaib Webb said to remind yourself of this verse during these times:

“Stay upright as God has commanded you, you and those who follow you. Do not disobey because God is aware of your actions.” (Qur’an 11:112) tweet

1. If you get scared, “Stay upright as God has commanded.”
2. When you worry about your kids, “Stay upright as God has commanded.”
3. Organize with other communities and oppose this President, “Stay upright as God has commanded.”
4. When you fear for the immigrants, the underserved and the weak, “Stay upright as God has commanded.”

Let that command echo in your soul, fill your heart and embolden you to face the next four years with bravery that is sourced from your trust, dedication and love to Allah. Allah is greater than Trump! And since you do not trust in Trump or time, do not let them move you to give up on the truth because Allah is Akbar. Let us set upon this era with a renewed dedication and passion, clinging to our duties to Allah, dedicating ourselves to Muslim unity, organizing with others to oppose this administration and staying brave, not wavering.

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